We're taking over Amsterdam Museum during Museumnacht on the 2nd of November. For this event we want to take living culture and put it on display in this classic museum. Our program consists of three parts.
Of course, out first goal is to shake up the museum with a good party. From the beginning until the end of the night, we got a full program of 12 rock and punk bands playing in every corner of the museum: from stately high-ceilinged halls to the catacombs underneath the courtyard.
Maybe food is the quintessential example of living culture. And Amsterdam has a really good restaurant scene at the moment. For this evening, Entrepot Restaurant chef Arvid Schmidt will create his own, contemporary interpretation of snert: traditional Dutch pea soup. Come by and try, only on this night.
Finally, culture is of course the people. To eternalize 2019 Amsterdam culture, we'll be taking the biggest Bonne Suits group picture to date. And we want you in it. No strings attached, just you in your Bonne Suit. Let us know if you want to be part of the picture by rsvp'ing to info@bonnelife.com.
In case you don't have a suit yet, if you get one at our store Zeedijk 60 now, you get two tickets for Museumnacht with it.